Upgrade of Maintenance Support Services on perpetual products to 24x7, list...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-SV-MNS-STD

Prepaid Standard Maintenance and Support Services, variable pricing at 20%...

Open Market / 45 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ACC-HA-AIE-P

LogRhythm High Availability for AIE products, perpetual software license. Order...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ACC-HA-AIE-R

LogRhythm High Availability for AIE products, subscription software license...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ACC-HA-AIE-S

LogRhythm High Availability for AIE products, subscription software license....

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-SV-TM-1Day-T-E

Pay On Delivery Professional Services 1 Day with Travel. T&E will not be billed...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ACC-HA-PMXM-S

LogRhythm High Availability for PM or XM products, subscription software...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ACC-HA-SMPDC-R

LogRhythm High Availability for SMP or DC products, subscription software...

Open Market / 30 Days


Upgrade of Maintenance Support Services on Subscription products to 24x7...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NDR-SUB-VOL-NM500

NetMon 500 Mbps subscription for NDR. Requires co-termed NDR subscription.

Open Market / 30 Days


Available to educational partners in the EDU Partner Program with executed...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NDR-SUB-VOL-NM250

NetMon 250 Mbps subscription for NDR. Requires co-termed NDR subscription.

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NDR-SUB-VOL-NM500-R

For Renewal: NetMon 500 Mbps subscription for NDR. Requires co-termed NDR...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-SW-ELP-PM

Internal SKU to recognize additional PM deployments for Enterprise License...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NDR-SUB-VOL-NM100-R

For Renewal: NetMon 100 Mbps subscription for NDR. Requires co-termed NDR...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NDR-SUB-VOL-NM1000-R

For Renewal: NetMon 1000 Mbps subscription for NDR. Requires co-termed NDR...

Open Market / 30 Days


Available to educational partners in the EDU Partner Program with executed...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NDR-SUB-VOL-NM100

NetMon 100 Mbps subscription for NDR. Requires co-termed NDR subscription.

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NDR-SUB-VOL-NM1000

NetMon 1000 Mbps subscription for NDR. Requires co-termed NDR subscription.

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-SW-ELP-DX

Internal SKU to recognize additional DX deployments for Enterprise License...

Open Market / 30 Days


LogRhythm UserXDR content module subscription software license

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-SW-ELP-SML

Internal SKU to recognize additional System Monitor Lite Agents included in the...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-SW-ELP-SMP

Internal SKU to recognize additional System Monitor Pro Agents included in the...

Open Market / 30 Days


LogRhythm UserXDR content module subscription software license renewal

Open Market / 30 Days


NetMon Prepaid Maintenance and Support Services (24x7)

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-APL-NM3600

LogRhythm Network Monitor NM3600 Appliance includes KYHD and iDRAC license

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NETMON-S

LogRhythm NetMon Subscription includes the following: - Quantity ordered is the...

Open Market / 30 Days


Renewal - NetMon Prepaid Maintenance and Support Services (24x7)

Open Market / 30 Days


LogRhythm NetMon 30-Day Evaluation Software License with 1 GBPS

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NETMON-R

Renewal - LogRhythm NetMon Subscription includes the following: - Quantity...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-APL-NM5600

LogRhythm Network Monitor NM5600 Appliance includes KYHD and iDRAC license

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NETMON-P

LogRhythm NetMon Perpetual License includes the following: - Quantity ordered...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-NETMON

LogRhythm NetMon 1 Year NFR Software License includes the following: - Quantity...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-DTX-SUB-R

LR-NFR-DTX-SUB-R Subscription

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-SMP-S

Not For Resell (partner only), System Monitor Pro 5 Agents software...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-SW-SV-XM250-R

For sale to partners only, not for customer sale. Renewal of LR-NFR-SW-SV-XM250...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-SW-ELP-AIE

Internal SKU to recognize additional AIE deployments for Enterprise License...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-DTX-S

Not For Resell (partner only), LogRhythm DetectX 500 MPS 1-year subscription....

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-SMP-R

Not For Resell (partner only), System Monitor Pro 5 Agents software...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-XDR-S

Not For Resell (partner only), LogRhythm XDR Stack 500 MPS 1-year subscription....

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-SW-ELP-DP

Internal SKU to recognize additional DP deployments for Enterprise License...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-NMN-S

Not For Resell (partner only), Network Monitor 10 Mbps software subscription...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-RSX-S

Not For Resell (partner only), LogRhythm RespondX 500 MPS 1-year...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-RSX-SUB-R

LR-NFR-RSX-SUB-R Subscription

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NFR-NMN-R

Not For Resell (partner only), Network Monitor 10 Mbps software subscription...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ACC-HDD-GEN5-XM68

Replacement hard disk drive for the XM6500 and XM8500 1.2TB 10K RPM hot-plug...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LRCLOUD-Storage-1TB-ADDONSUB-R

LogRhythm Cloud Indexed Storage 1 TB add-on subscription renewal

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LRCLOUD-Archive-1TB-ADDONSUB

LR Cloud Archive 1 TB add-on subscription.

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LRCLOUD-Archive-1TB-ADDONSUB-R

Renewal of LR Cloud Archive 1 TB add-on subscription

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LRCLOUD-Storage-1TB-ADDONSUB

LogRhythm Cloud Indexed Storage 1 TB add-on subscription

Open Market / 30 Days